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[RE]:A request for sharing the gospel to someone in Japan

Ken - sorry for taking a while for anyone to get back to you. Unfortunately there aren't that many people here with the proficiency in the English language.

As a church we are more than happy to share the gospel with anyone. Also we welcome all who desire to seek and worship Jesus Christ. That being said we are more than happy to either contact Mr. Sawatari, welcome him to our congregation, refer any local churches in his proximity and/or pray for his salvation.

We look forward to receiving more information about him.

[ Total : 107 ] [ 1 / 4 ]
No. Subject File Name Date Hits
107  40일 릴레이 기도 15일째(1/20)-김태율집사 이명희16-01-20959
106  40일 릴레이 기도 14일째(1/19)-김영천 장로 이명희16-01-19954
105  40일 릴레이 기도 13일째(1/18)-박재세장로 이명희16-01-18964
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79  A request for sharing the gospel to someone in Japan Ken09-12-07948
78    [RE]:A request for sharing the gospel to someone in Japan  Joseph Kim10-03-11974





〒162-0827 東京都新宿区若宮町24 東京教会
24 Wakamiya-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0827, Japan
Tel: 03-3260-8891 Fax: 03-3268-6130    
(C) The Tokyo Korean Christian Church in Japan Ministries. All rights reserved.